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Il Giardino del Cervello

’Il Sogno di Rita. Rita Levi Montalicini racconta le neuroscienze’ is three year project promoted by Ebri (European Brain Research Institute, a scientific research institute dedicated to the study of neuroscience) to introduce children and adults to neurosciences through a variety of artforms and activities.

Il Giardino del Cervello, a 3-year multidisciplinary collaboration promoting scientific information through art. The giant inflatable structures represent some of the main brain cells (Neuron, Oligodendrocyte, Microglia and Astrocyte), and are used by researchers to explain the functioning of the brain. Each year a different aspect of the brain is explored in depth through a series of participatory activities:

2020: Antibodies, Our Heroes. Online children workshops.
2021: The Common Thread, weaving stories about pleasure and pain while constructing an NGF (Nerve Growth Factor), a molecule implicated in both pain transmission and brain rejuvenation. Open to all ages.
2022: Currently working on Well formed decisions, exploring the role of AI in the diagnosis of early Alzheimer. The activity will take place in May in Rome.

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